• ME


  • ME









creating a solid foundation on which your Brand can scale to new heights

When entrepreneurs & leaders uncover who they are as a business and a brand – both innately and aspirationally – they are able to step into a deeper level of authenticity and alignment, magnetizing the right people into their world.

Our signature brand building methodology, The Brand Capsule®, is the mirror that creates this new level of clarity. It draws out the truest and most beautiful parts of your business, connecting it with a workable strategy that becomes the guiding light for every creative & strategic decision to come.

Armed with deep insights and a clear strategy from the Capsule process, our team can then support you in bringing your brand identity, website, creative direction, marketing strategy, design, or copywriting vision to life.

Build your brand & business from the soul up.

We are more than simply strategists and creatives. We are the ones who see into your soul and the soul of your business, ensuring your truest identity is activated.

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the business school for Soulbrands™️

Reflect for a moment on the key similarities between the celebrities that initially come to your mind. At some point in their life, they’ve all had one thing in common: they believed in themselves more than anyone else around them. (News flash, they likely still do.)

This is the level of betting on yourself that’s required to actualize your potential, and the Soulcademy® is the space that will uphold you to the standard we know you’re capable of.

Here, we play the long game. We’ve had enough of the fluff, and we’re done witnessing the wrongly positioned leaders attempt to influence the world in a superficial, devoid-of-soul way.

We stand for empowering and educating heart-centred leaders who possess the rare gift of thinking and acting for the collective rather than the individual.

Our life’s work is to get people like you – full of integrity, purpose, vision, intelligence, and intuition – to a place of making a real impact in this world.

People come to us with the ideas others have scoffed at but here, no dream is too outlandish as long as it's anchored in your purpose. Our clients have crystallized their dreams and desires because we see their highest, truest self, and help them reconfigure their business accordingly.

We are all vibrating on the same frequency here – that paradigm-shifting, influential, star-in-the-making vibe.

A business school meets mastermind club.

Entry to the Soulcademy® is by invitation only. Apply to join, then connect with us for a Discovery Call to ensure we're the right fit.

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Facilitation &

Facilitation &

Facilitation &

Facilitation &





Conversations that educate, illuminate, and inspire

Aligning your life, business, and brand from the inside out.

I will meet your audience with the utmost vulnerability and authenticity, sharing wisdom gained from both my personal journey and from supporting hundreds of clients in building soul-aligned brands & businesses (translation: I go deep).

I'm here to activate your spirit, clarify your purpose, and help you step into your next-level identity. Expect tears, laughs, breakthroughs, and the occasional cursing (as a 6/2 Leo Projector, I come by this honestly).

A few topics that I love to speak on:

  • How to build a Soulbrand™️: the new era of personal branding that integrates self-discovery, self-expression, and monetization

  • The journey of a soulpreneur: doing the work and The Work to discover & activate your purpose

  • Lighthouse Marketing: uncovering a true-to-you marketing approach that resonates with your dream clients (and doesn't burn you out)

Let's co-create a memorable experience for your audience.

Share a few details about your event, workshop, or podcast.

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